When the financial assets of many citizens were destroyed during the years of hyperinflation in the Weimar Republic, a realization crystallized afterwards. All those who had invested their possessions in material assets survived this period with flying colors. They were as rich as before or even richer. While all thoseContinue Reading

There are studies on graduates of elite universities, which lead to interesting insights into who will later earn a lot of money and who less. It is said that such people can be recognized in the motivation letter. This says much more than you think. That’s why they have aContinue Reading

When you watch films about past centuries, there is one detail that can never be right: the teeth. In the Middle Ages or in the Wild West, people actually had many more gaps between their teeth. Even here in Europe they say that tourists from Germany in poor countries likeContinue Reading

Stolen identities, hacked company secrets, stolen personal data – these things are commonplace on the Internet. Why? Because there is basically a connection between every computer in a gigantic, global network. So theoretically, anyone can attack each other’s devices. Whether or not this is successful depends on the security technologyContinue Reading

The noose around the neck of international tax evaders is getting tighter and tighter. Already 100 countries have joined the AIA, the agreement for automatic exchange of information. Since 2018 even Switzerland, which has built its prosperity partly on strict banking secrecy. The tax authorities of the AIA countries reportContinue Reading

As an SEO agency, our business consists largely of sitting directly across from our clients and explaining to them how we will put them in better positions on the Internet. We then partly access their sites during the operative work. Our people also like to sit in their office buildingContinue Reading