Style and elegance are like good wine, the more mature, the more refined. Of course, young people can be stylish too, and it is perhaps even easier for them to follow fashion. Their fashion even changes from year to year. But the middle-aged are now mature enough to afford timelessContinue Reading

Animals are an immense enrichment to life. During the Corona crisis, it became clear, especially for families, how valuable it is to have a small animal that provides comfort, love and joy in a dreary everyday life. But it was not only the case during the pandemic. Statistics show thatContinue Reading

There used to be a lot of shenanigans on YouTube and money was made from it. Many vicious, sometimes brutal videos were created, but the “blind” algorithm quickly picked them up if they trended well and went viral. It’s bad when advertisers then run spots with them, along the linesContinue Reading