The art of discipline
There’s a very good book on self-discipline I read. It was written by Roy Baumeister and contains pretty much the best advice on the subject I’ve read so far.Continue Reading
Can jewellery still be a good gift nowadays?
Everybody knows that tastes and trends are subject to permanent change. This also includes the things you can give to your wife or partner to make her happy. That’s why every year many men ask themselves what to buy for their loved ones on their birthday, Valentine’s Day, wedding day,Continue Reading
To rent or to buy?
Today, I show you alle, why renting instead of buying is often more economical. In our world of division of labour, production and services are becoming increasingly fragmented. Where 30 years ago you could get everything from a single source, today many companies are involved. But why is that? TheContinue Reading
Innovations in aluminium
Aluminium is a very versatile metal with some unique positive properties. One would be surprised as a consumer, where it is everywhere with contained. As a technician or engineer in product development you should take a look at it. What makes aluminium such a unique material? The advantages of aluminiumContinue Reading
How to avoid bankruptcy
In recent years we have been very lucky with the economic situation in Germany. Fortunately, there are fewer corporate insolvencies in such phases than in times of recession. But as things stand today, in April 2019, the end of the good times is approaching and we must prepare ourselves forContinue Reading
Get more followers on Instagram
People are herd animals and it is often the case that the herd just stands around and waits for someone to give the direction. You can influence such a large group of people in 2 different ways.Continue Reading
Why I outsourced inbound telephony
Incoming telephone calls – curse and blessing at the same time Anyone who is self-employed, whether as a freelancer or a trader, knows the phenomenon that the day simply has too few hours to do everything that needs to be done. One possibility is to simply work longer hours orContinue Reading
Job idea: how to becom a DJ or DJane
Many people would like to earn something in addition to their main source of income. For this, they usually look for suitable ideas for a part-time job. Today we are looking at an opportunity to do so: The job as DJ or DJane.Continue Reading
5S und Lean Management for your company
One of my first stations in the working world was a packaging company, where I hired in spring 2006. At that time, the entire company was turned upside down according to the principles of 5S and Lean Management, and Six Sigma was just being introduced. What is 5S and LeanContinue Reading
Why dancing is good for your health
The advantages of sport and exercise We all know that sport has many positive consequences. Be it a lower body weight than a non-athlete, or the advantages of a trained cardiovascular system. However, many people think of sport as competitive sport and see it as an “all-or-nothing” principle. What doContinue Reading