What effects do flowers and plants have on humans? The effects of flowers and plants on humans are constantly being investigated. Sometimes people talk about miracle effects. I myself have little to do with plants and flowers at home, but I enjoy spending time in nature. I like running andContinue Reading

Since I myself am the father of two sons, I wanted to tell the story of Father’s Day. Since the traditions in our society are more and more forgotten or not familiar to some people, for example because they have moved from another cultural area, I have created an overviewContinue Reading

What is a rental deposit insurance? Rent deposit insurance is a possible form of financing a rent deposit in the real estate industry. If you rent an apartment, you usually have to give a certain amount (usually several times the monthly rent) to the future landlord as security. This isContinue Reading

Note: This text may contain advertising My experience with GPS watches and pulse watches I have been practicing endurance sports regularly for almost 25 years now. Always with different focuses, but running and cycling are always part of it. As a child I didn’t do much sport and it wasContinue Reading

Today, I show you alle, why renting instead of buying is often more economical. In our world of division of labour, production and services are becoming increasingly fragmented. Where 30 years ago you could get everything from a single source, today many companies are involved. But why is that? TheContinue Reading

Aluminium is a very versatile metal with some unique positive properties. One would be surprised as a consumer, where it is everywhere with contained. As a technician or engineer in product development you should take a look at it. What makes aluminium such a unique material? The advantages of aluminiumContinue Reading

In recent years we have been very lucky with the economic situation in Germany. Fortunately, there are fewer corporate insolvencies in such phases than in times of recession. But as things stand today, in April 2019, the end of the good times is approaching and we must prepare ourselves forContinue Reading