Styling - hairstyle and make-up - promoting your career with a good appearance

We live in a world with a double bottom. On the one hand, society is currently reacting extremely sensitively to any critical statement that might have to do with prejudices of any kind. Tolerance and inner values are in high demand. Emancipated singers like Christina Aguilera, Lady Gaga, Ava MaxContinue Reading

Dunning Procedure Online - How it works - which advantages does it have

The online dunning procedure: legal framework conditions and problems. External receivables management is very popular with many companies, but is still largely unknown in Germany. The old “rules” still apply here and the entrepreneur still takes care of his open receivables himself. This means a lot of effort, often forContinue Reading

Bottled Water vs Tap Water - which is better

Water is the most important element of our existence. Humans can endure hunger for a long time, but without water we barely survive a few days. Our body consists of 2/3 liquid. A regular supply in sufficient quantities is therefore indispensable. But which water should you drink to provide yourContinue Reading

the advantages of cloud computing for small companies

Imagine a small company that is on its way to becoming a medium-sized business. Turnover grows, so the workforce is increased to keep up with the work. More and more departments are formed that no longer sit directly next to each other as before. There are more interfaces. More andContinue Reading