During my childhood my mother worked as a cleaner at a school in Munich. From time to time she told me about it, mainly to motivate me to learn. It was a bone job and I should definitely live a better life than she did. Despite everything, the job was well paid. But how is it today? The payment is relatively high thanks to the lack of skilled workers in the market. The work is still a bone job, but better equipment makes the job more pleasant. Special cleaning agents minimize scrubbing to remove a stain. Wet cleaners make the carpet pore-deep clean. Window cleaning is also quicker.
Technisation has also found its way into this area, where a scrubbing brush and a bucket of water used to be the common things to be used.
But how do you find a professional cleaning company?
In order to find a good cleaning company in Munich, you should consider some points. First of all, it is important whether you want a private apartment or a larger building to be cleaned regularly. In the case of a private apartment, there is still the possibility of falling back on sole proprietors. I personally recommend a larger company.
- A company can send a replacement if a cleaner is absent due to illness or dismissal.
- Professional companies own high-quality cleaning agents and equipment. These lead to a better result. Likewise the working time is minimized thereby.
- Cleaning companies are not more expensive than sole traders.
- A professional cleaning company can send specialized employees for special tasks.
The main advantage, why a company should rely on cleaning companies and not on individual employees, is the size of the team. Buildings above a certain size can only be cleaned by teams that exceed a certain size. A single cleaner has no chance of cleaning several dozen floors in a short time. A team can also share the work. While one is cleaning the windows, another is cleaning the desks and a third is using the vacuum cleaner to get the floor clean again.
Personally, I attach great importance to reliability and punctuality. When I make an appointment, it has to be kept and the work has to be done as agreed. Everyone is different, of course, but especially in the business world, whether in Munich or elsewhere, this is an exclusion criterion for me when agreements and punctuality are violated.
The last point I would like to address is costs. Nobody, whether a sole proprietor or a cleaning company, has anything to give away. And especially in Munich the wage level is quite high at the moment. But if your office leaves a dirty impression on customers or applicants, then it can cost you considerably more money than the hourly wage of a professional cleaning company from Munich.