As an SEO agency, our business consists largely of sitting directly across from our clients and explaining to them how we will put them in better positions on the Internet. We then partly access their sites during the operative work. Our people also like to sit in their office buildingContinue Reading

As Covid-19 makes its way around the world, some industries have been hit hard economically by lockdowns. Even for us as an SEO agency, some of this is still happening. Our clients include restaurateurs and self-employed people whose business has come to a virtual standstill. We are now feeling thisContinue Reading

It is said that in times of crisis companies should drastically cut costs in order to survive. That’s why advertising agencies, SEO experts and online marketing companies generally tremble before such economic phases. Because they are usually the very first ones to have the red pencil cut hard. The onlyContinue Reading

Classical relational databases usually work with keys. The most important among them is the primary key. This characteristic can uniquely define a data set and link it to others. One such characteristic would be, for example, the customer number, which is assigned exclusively to each client of a business. ButContinue Reading

As you could easily see from the Fridays for Future actions, the environment is very important to the younger generation. Changes in lifestyle can be seen in the fact that fewer and fewer teens and twens are buying a car. At least in the cities. They prefer sharing and environmentallyContinue Reading

Large corporations handle extremely sensitive data. As a rule, these are trade secrets about products and technologies. This is how they secure their competitive advantage over their rivals. Many of them report that they are confronted with hacker attacks on a daily basis. Such companies, however, have a huge ITContinue Reading