Academic papers require special care. Many a politician has stumbled upon the fact that his or her thesis or dissertation was flawed. The reason for this was incorrect citations or the fact that it was not written by the author himself. Nevertheless, there are good reasons to use a ghostwriter. We show when and where this is the case.
What is a ghostwriter?
Many celebrities publish a biography about their lives. Hardly anyone, however, has written the book themselves. How can that be? Quite simply, they use a ghostwriter. The term is actually for someone writing a work on behalf of someone else. That is absolutely common. That’s why basically anyone is allowed to use a ghostwriting service or even offer one themselves. Such people simply formulate much more beautifully and make a book more interesting.
The situation is somewhat different when it comes to academic papers. A term paper or a bachelor’s thesis is not harassment, but serves a specific purpose. With this work, prospective academics are supposed to learn how to write academic papers. In doing so, many formal requirements must be met. Correct citations and references are a must. Furthermore, the student should prove that he or she is able to independently analyse complex issues and draw conclusions. For this reason, it is a requirement of the college or university that the paper must be written independently.
As noble as this intention may be, there is a problem. Such papers cost vast amounts of time and cause stress. Many students have to work part-time, some already have children – for them the burden is much higher than for people from wealthy homes. Under such a burden, the question arises whether and how to get help.
The rules of academic institutions are quite clear in this case. Only those who do their work on their own meet the requirements. However, this does not mean that students are not allowed to employ a ghostwriter. In principle, anyone is allowed to commission a scientific paper. In it, the hired author researches the literature and other sources on the topic and draws his or her own conclusions. A journalist in a newspaper does nothing else.
The client is then free to incorporate these findings into his or her own handwritten work. As long as the sources are cited correctly, there is no plagiarism. In any case, in such a constellation, the student does not submit someone else’s work under his or her own name. In any case, such a procedure can save a lot of stress.